현대영미소설학회 회원 선생님께
안녕하십니까. 총무이사 노동욱입니다.
올해 12월 15일-17일, 홍익대학교에서 개최되는 영어영문학회 국제학술대회 연찬회에서,
저희 현대영미소설학회 세션이 아래와 같이 구성되었습니다.
많은 관심과 참석을 부탁드립니다.
오랜만에 대면으로 개최되는 연찬회에서 의미 있는 학문적 교류가 이루어지기를 기대합니다.
총무이사 올림
Session 1 14:45-16:15 in Korean R511/Room A
Chair: Jinbeom Synn (Seowon University, Korea)
Presentation 1
Hye Ran Jung (Gyeongsang National University, Korea)
‘Nunchi’ as a Psychological Mechanism of Cultural Code-Switching: The Chameleon Performances of Henry Park and Mr. Park in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker
Presentation 2
Euihuack Kang (Chonnam National University, Korea)
Politics of Allegory and the Problem of Translation
Presentation 3
Yoon-Young Choi (Dongduk Women's University, Korea)
Visions of Asian-American Sexualities in Adrian Tomine's Shortcomings
Chung-hwan Joe (Hongik University, Korea)
Jung Ju Shin (Yonsei University, Korea)
Hakyoung Ahn (Soongsil University, Korea)
Session 2 16:30-18:00 in English R 513/Room C
Chair : Heejung Cha (Chosun University, Korea)
Presentation 1
Hyun-Joo Yoo (Sangmyung University, Korea)
Empowering the Traumatized Autobiographical Self in Satrapi Marjane’s The Complete Persepolis
Presentation 2
Jiwon Rim (Seoul National University, Korea)
Nonhuman Animals in the Anthropocene: The “Little People” of The Borrowers and The Secret World of Arrietty
Presentation 3
Kelly S. Walsh (Yonsei University, Korea)
Nightmares of History, Postcolonial Ethics: Leonard Cohen's Beautiful Losers
EunHyoung Kim (Seoul National University, Korea)
Sodam Choi (Jeonju University, Korea)
Sungjin Jang (Chung-Ang University, Korea)